Friday, May 7

My New Apartment Pets

I could never have an animal in my current living conditions...I believe that having dogs in apartments is a selfish and cruel thing to do to a pet you newly adopted pets are the birds residing outside my patio.  It's pretty perfect timing, too.  I moved in right as the baby birds were hatched so their Momma is still taking care of them and bringing them worms to eat and stuff...They are very vocal little things and listening to them makes the loud music in my neighbor's apartment a little more tolerable.  Speaking of noise...There are a lot of new noises here.  The piping in the bathroom makes unexpected and unwelcome noise at all hours during the day and night...The traffic of the big city sounds pretty foreign to a country girl. There's also this strange noise somewhere in my apartment that sounds kind of like a ticking clock sound...I hope there are no bombs anywhere. The refrigerator just made a strange sound so I probably should look at that today and make sure it's functioning...Someone dropped a bunch of glass in an apartment near me because I heard a loud crash a little while ago-Hope it was nothing too valuable.  And as I mentioned before, the neighbors have really obnoxious music.  I think it's either rap or heavy metal-Something with a really heavy bass.
But I digress
...Back to my birdy pets...

Momma is bringing home some breakfast!
Time to feed the three little ones some Momma puke!
I decided to name them.  I can't tell them apart...But there are 3 birds, so I figured out 3 names.  That's simple, right?  I'll list the names, and I'll tell you why I picked them!

OLGA:  I picked Olga for one of the birds after the opera singer Olga Bakali. I was forced to listen to her sing in college, and the name stuck with me.  I always hear the birds singing, so I thought at least one of them HAD to be named after an operatic soprano.  It makes sense, right?

BREADCRUMB: I've been feeding the birds breadcrumbs all morning.  They only come over to the patio to take them when I'm not looking, so I decided Breadcrumb was a good name for one of the birds.

TWEET TWEET: The reasoning behind this name is obvious, I think. The birds all tweet, especially when they're hungry. I was tired of thinking of cool names so Tweet Tweet is the least creative. Oh well.

MOMMA: Of course Momma bird is simply called Momma.  Perhaps this is the least creative name of all?  If I think of a better one, I'll update.

Momma, Olga, Breadcrumb, and Tweet Tweet:  My little outside apartment pets.

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